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Magrefah Abraham ben David Portaleone-Shilte ha-Gibborim שלטי הגבורים שער אריה, אברהם בן דוד מגרפה

Magrefah מגרפה

The Magrefah is an object or musical instrument that was used in the Temple of Jerusalem.

Its function is to produce a loud signal or sound by throwing or spinning it.
This signal activates a new sequence in the ceremony.

The descriptions of the Magrefah do not allow a clear reconstruction or definition, so this object is the subject of many discussions.

Abraham Portaleone was one of the first to publish a concrete description of the Magrefah in his book Shilte ha-Gibborim. 1612
Portaleone described a Magrefah according to his own ideas, differing from the minimal descriptions in the Talmud.