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Charles Wheatston - 1st Concertina - 1829 (Bellows Symphonium)

Charles Wheatstone patented his concertina in 1844 in London with patent no. 10,041, but already in December 1829, with patent no. 5801, he built a prototype that had all the components of a concertina.

Figure 45 from patent no. 5801 from December 1829 is a combination of a symphonium, which was also invented by Charles Wheatstone in this patent, with bellows.

It is the first prototype of a concertina.

While the accordion, which had been invented by Cyrill Demian 7 months earlier (May 1829) in Vienna, could play chords, Wheatstone's instruments could play single notes.

I tried to recreate the prototype as a 3D model even though there was only one drawing available. (bellows combined with the symphonium variants 1 and 3, see Wheatstone folder)