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Sheng 笙 series - Charles Wheatstone - 查尔斯·惠斯通 - chinese Accordion - 中国手风琴

In December 1829, the scientist and inventor Charles Wheatstone experimented with the free reed technique of the Aeolian harmonica, which had recently been developed in Europe.

In addition to the Aeolian, Wheatstone also experimented with the free reed technique of the Chinese Sheng organ, which is more than 3000 years old.

His results were patented and can be found under the number 5803, Improvements and New Developments of Wind Music Instruments.

The patent also includes three new Sheng variants invented by Wheatstone.

In variant 1, Wheatstone preserved the tratidional round construction and adapted the finger holes to a European key. He changed the position of the mouthpiece and added additional semitones.

Variant 2 is constructed in the same way as variant 1, but in a rectangular shape.

Variant 3 is a completely new instrument invented by Charles Wheatstone.
It is a combination of European and Asian techniques combined with a bellows.

The invention of the Chinese accordion.

1829 年 12 月,科学家兼发明家 查尔斯-惠斯通对欧洲新近开发的爱奥利安口琴的自由簧片技术进行了实验。

除了伊奥利亚口琴,惠斯通还试验了具有 3000 多年历史的笙的自由簧片技术。

他的成果获得了专利,专利号为 5803,即 “管乐器的改进和新发展”。

该专利还包括 查尔斯-惠斯通发明的三种新的笙变体。

在变体 1 中,惠斯通保留了三段式圆形设计,并将指孔改装成欧式音调。他改变了吹嘴的位置,并增加了半音。

变体 2 的结构与变体 1 相似,只是呈长方形。

变体 3 是 查尔斯-惠斯通发明的一种全新乐器。
