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Magrefah מגרפה Fiction

Freely invented, fictional Magrefah variations מגרפה

During my research on the Magrefah I came across the quote
(from Abraham Portaleone 1612 in Shilte ha-Gibborim about his description of a Magrefah according to his ideas):

If you are satisfied, then so am I. If not, then choose another opinion wich may be more correct.
This text inspired me to rethink the representation of a Magrefah. Out of the box

The descriptions of the Magrefah in the Talmud are minimal, which opens up many possibilities.

With the size 1 cubit x 1 cubit, there was the possibility of a cube, but also a flat square.
The handle could have been a lever, a blowpipe or actually a handle.
The holes could have been pipes, slits, or actual holes.
1x1 could also be the shape of a sphere
and so forth.......

The variations are now expanded, perhaps I could inspire someone in their own research

I will close with the QUOTE from Abraham Portaleone in 1612:
If you are satisfied, then so am I. If not, then choose another opinion wich may be more correct.